About Online Personalization Solutions2024-04-19T15:28:00+02:00

Independent, professional.


We link expertise in IT and Ecommerce to product knowledge and independent advice

PERSO.solutions combines independent and up-to-date information with our knowledge community, network and extensive practical experience. Our mission is to provide insight into the wide range of online personalization tools and improve results.
Our current overview of over 200 online personalization solutions, news, blog and additional advice provides guidance for making a good pre-selection. We also offer support in the realisation of a set of requirements and the final selection. PERSO.solutions offers direct access to specialists with an operational background in Ecommerce and Marketing Automation solutions.

Experts in personalization

PERSO.solutions has both feet in the Ecommerce and Marketing Automation practice. Our community members are skilled in matching systems with business processes and strategies.

Market and product knowledge

We know all online personalization tools and their providers. Our advice is practice-related. Our community members are actively involved in the design and activation of online Personalization solutions.

Independent and transparent

PERSO.solutions offers the Ecommerce manager or IT manager an information community and has no business interest in the products or suppliers. Our advice is always independent.

The pillars of our services? Practical and product knowledge, analytical skills and an independent vision on Ecommerce and Marketing Automation.

From our active involvement in Ecommerce and Marketing Automation projects, we see the urgency to take steps to personalize the customer journey increasing.

Personalization of on-site offerings, content, e-mailing and advertising visibly contributes to an optimal customer experience and thus a higher conversion, customer satisfaction and repeat purchases.

The range of online personalization solutions is wide and still growing. Practice shows that the selection of one or more tools that fit in all respects with specific Ecommerce activities and ambitions is complicated.

Specialists from PERSO.solutions make their practical and product knowledge available to support your selection process. We do this for individual tools, but also for Ecommerce platforms with integrated data and personalisation tools. Our starting point is: increasing your opportunities and improving your business.

Higher conversion at lower costs?
The right personalization tools put your business on edge.

online personalization solutions

Independent information on all Online Personalization solutions

Honest information

All suppliers on PERSO.solutions are free mention. We ask suppliers for a voluntary contribution for research and maintenance.

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