It seems contradictory, automation and personalization. But nothing is less true. AI and self-learning algorithms are advancing Ecommerce and enable web shops and B2B platforms to provide their customers with better and more customized service. The condition is that you link existing data systems to the right ones personalization tools. But how do you make a selection that matches your current and future goals? shows the way. As a broad and dynamic information and comparison platform. Finally insight into the wide, ever-growing range of personalization solutions.

Anyone who is active in Ecommerce knows that personalization is no longer a trend, but an absolute must. This applies to both B2C and B2B providers. Customers and business relations demand a personal approach with relevant product options and information that facilitates and accelerates the search. Entrepreneurs who perform insufficiently on this miss the boat. With the increasing competition in and the increasing volume of Ecommerce, partly driven by the corona pandemic, the personal relationship between brands and platforms on the one hand and online customers on the other is of great importance.

The right Personalization tools take the online experience to the next level

Technology helps. More and more Ecommerce software is standard equipped with data and personalization functionalities. Especially CDP solutions (Customer Data Platforms) score high on the combination of data and customer-specific customization. There are versatile and advanced software solutions for every type of webshop and assortment and for every form of online B2B service. The integration of personalization tools takes the way we shop and do business online to the next, higher level.

Consumers like personal and relevant

Much research has already been conducted into the impact and acceptance of personalized online advertisements, content and targeted offers based on customer information, search behavior and cookies. If privacy is respected, support is high. Online consumers are almost always in a hurry. A personalized customer journey with relevant information and recommendations simplifies and accelerates the purchasing decision. 1TP239Several figures substantiate this. For example, approximately 85% of online consumers surveyed say that personalized content and advertisements positively influence their purchasing behavior. Circa 40% says personalization drives repeat purchases.

More conversion, better business results with the right personalization tools

Personalizing the search and buying experience goes a lot further than just naming customers by name. Incidentally, this is a technique that has been rapidly increasing in recent years, especially in e-mails, newsletters and online advertising, and is having a positive effect. Seeing your proper name stimulates website visitors and creates a bond. Loyalty to the brand increases, it is good for the reputation and personalization increases the conversion rate and thus the bottom line.

Anonymous personalization techniques also add value to the customer experience. Content based on customer segmentation, recommendations driven by machine learning algorithms (recommendation tools) and appealing to feelings of scarcity or urgency (persuasion tools) contribute to the business results. It is not without reason that major platforms such as Amazon and make intensive use of it. Many of these customer data related options can be found in a CDP or Customer Data Platform.

Thanks to a wide variety of personalization software (tools), optimizing the customer experience by providing relevant, customer-oriented information for all web shops and Ecommerce platforms. The selection is influenced by factors such as budget, range size, target groups, scale of the sales area and commercial goals. paves the way

Choosing the right personalization tools is quite a challenge. offers practical online support by providing insight into the full range of products, making it possible to compare and try them. The new information platform also provides independent, tailor-made advice based on years of experience in the dynamic IT and Ecommerce practice. This makes an indispensable tool for anyone who wants to stay ahead in Ecommerce. Go to all relevant personalization solutions along your own Ecommerce yardstick.