This article about AI Smart Search is brought to you by QuarticOn

One of the factors influencing the level of revenue generated is an effective internal search engine. This allows customers to find what they are looking for and choose what they need from the many product proposals on offer.

However, it turns out that no less than 72% of the search engines in online stores does not meet the expectations of the customer. The tool of internal search engine should not be underestimated. Why? It can generate up to 30% of all revenue. In addition, almost 43% of the Internet users immediately after entering the website goes directly to the search bar. Improving the appearance and usability of the internal search engine therefore gives a real chance to increase conversion.

The QuarticOn's answer to the above challenge was to develop the AI Smart Search, an internal search engine based on artificial intelligence algorithms. It shows search results in 0.1 seconds, it is reliable, advanced and effective. What are the main features and what are their roles?

1. Basic auto-complete function

The function of autocomplete sentences can safely be called the function of reading the minds of customers. Why? Because as soon as they enter the first characters of the sentence, they get product suggestions. This makes them feel like you know exactly what they're looking for.

Smart Search auto-complete saves your customer time and makes it easier for them to get to the right product - after all, it is very unusual for users to know the full name or specific model of the desired product. Plus, they don't have to scroll through the results to match the answer to the sentence in less than seconds - it's especially useful when the online store offers hundreds or even thousands of products. However, your customer satisfaction isn't the only positive result you can experience - according to Nacho Analytics, the autocomplete feature can also convert conversion with 24% increase.

smart search

2. Autocomplete in the “luxury” version of Smart Search

You already know the benefits of the basic autocomplete feature - AI Smart Search can take you one step further.

It cannot be denied that when searching for a product, the box that appears below the bar with the magnifying glass symbol draws the most of your customer's attention. To use its full potential and even greater to gain advantage over the competition, you can completely enrich your car with one, two or a whole host of additional features that optimize the shopping experience and increase customer engagement. These features include:

  • history of recently searched phrases,
  • the most searched phrases by all users,
  • the list of bestsellers, i.e. products that match the phrase, but with the highest sales,
  • the most popular products for the whole store.

smarter search

3. Recognition of spelling and typos in Smart Search by AI

When searching for a product, e-customers usually enter the phrase quickly, without paying full attention to spelling and spaces. AI Smart Search is equipped with the functionality of correcting spelling mistakes and typos. Thanks to this, it will propose products with a name similar to the content entered in the search field.

This kind of flexibility only guarantees positive shopping experiences for customers and is another factor that has a positive impact on ROI and building of long-term relationships with them.

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