Real time personalization 2.0 is the new engine behind economic growth. First and foremost, we are of course talking about real-time personalization on your Ecommerce platform. The better web shops and marketplaces appeal directly to the search intentions, preferences and needs of the visitor, the more money will continue to flow. But personalization 'in the moment' also makes the cash register ring in physical retail. This underlines the essence of real-time analysis and application of customer data.

It has gradually become a well-known concept, 'real-time personalization'. But the developments surrounding the phenomenon are not standing still. In fact, this spring (end of April) the theme was trending topic again for some time as a result of the annual Adobe Summit, the annual digital experience conference with hundreds of sessions and speakers. This time, due to COVID-19, the event took place entirely virtually, but the excitement was no less. We did not make up our own mind that real-time personalization is the new engine behind economic growth. These were the opening words of Shantanu Narayen, CEO of Adobe Systems.

'Data-driven personalization of the Customer Experience is and remains the ultimate challenge'

Although the annual Adobe conference is primarily intended to highlight our own innovations around the Adobe Experience Cloud, the many presentations provide a valuable insight into the latest developments in relation to personalizing the digital customer journey. Adobe itself introduced new products such as Adobe Journey Optimizer and Adobe Customer Journey Analytics, tools for standardizing and visualizing both online and offline customer data.

Given the purpose of the virtual meeting, it is not difficult to discover a common thread in the many lectures. Namely: data-driven personalization of the Customer Experience is and remains the biggest challenge Ecommerce and online marketing. 1TP189Direct interaction with leads and customers determines the success of your E-business. And it was no coincidence that real-time personalization in particular was given a central place during this year's edition. After all, B2C or B2B, the customer's own digital environment is becoming more than ever the place where it happens. Not only for the actual transaction, but also for generating traffic and for customer retention.

'Advanced personalization software helps you generate dynamic content'

After all, as a result of the decision by Google To phase out support for third-party cookies, a distinctive customer environment is a decisive weapon in the battle for the customer. And you are only distinctive if you meet the extremely high customer expectations in real time. Generic campaigns and advertising and retargeting based on data from third parties lose their impact. As far as they can be realized at all.

Your own digital e-commerce platform should do the trick. And first-hand customer information – first-party data – is leading. Brand loyalty and growth require dynamic, preferably customer-specific content, offered when people come shopping with you, is crucial. Advanced personalization software helps you realize that dynamic.

'In real-time personalization, every detail is relevant and every second counts'

Profitable interaction with leads and customers and building lasting customer relationships stands or falls with offering relevant content in the right phase of the Customer Journey. This applies in the first place to your own platform, where the interaction can best be directed, analyzed and monitored. In addition, the content you offer on other channels must be consistent and at least as relevant. Think of social media, advertising on sites that match well with your brand and products, digital systems in your physical retail environment, and so on.

Knowing who comes to your digital floor and acting on it with appropriate content is the future. In addition, the implementation of a Customer Data Platform (CDP) a requirement. Taking new steps in real-time personalization, intended for the ultimate Customer Experience, can only succeed if all processes are fed by a central data hub, in which all data silos merge. Centralization of customer data is the only way to keep a grip on the dynamics. No detail should escape the attention of your data system and every second counts.

'From real-time personalization to interaction to conversion'

Recognize and identify visitors, differentiate, and optimize the user experience with specific content at the right time. That's the core of real-time personalization 2.0. In other words: that is the only way to growth. Because personalization stimulates interaction and the right interaction maximizes the chance of conversation.

You can use a multitude of techniques and tools for this. Personalization tools provide real-time identification and permanently map your customers' search patterns and preferences. Through data analysis and specialist personalization software, your visitors are automatically offered content that optimally matches interests, purchase intent and the momentum in the sales funnel. With an extra last push, as befits a good marketing strategy with effective seduction techniques. It's that simple. As simple as viewing and comparing the current worldwide offerings of aanbod online Personalization Solutions.