How do you determine which one? personalization technology trends are relevant to your business? And how do you know which tools and features are indispensable to make your personalization strategy a success? One factor is indisputable. Personalization of the customer journey has a major impact on the future of your Ecommerce activities. Because seducing and retaining your customers depends on it. In short: Investing in personalization is a must.

The results of various studies underline the topicality of the personalized customer experience. Coca-Cola, Netflix, Sephora, all market leaders are doing it. According to research conducted by Forrester Research Inc. 89 percent of all digital companies are currently investing a great deal of money in personalizing the customer experience. The efforts range from defining what personalization means in relation to the existing business to segmenting target groups and developing strategies for individualizing customer contact.

'Transparent personalisation tricks? Consumers won't be fooled!'

It is logical that personalization technology trends are keeping people busy. Because the consumer is in power. He only wants one thing: a personal offer, based on individual (purchasing) interests and preferences, preferably across all sales channels. Consumers want to order and buy 24/7 and realize that they decide the game. They are used to omnichannel shopping. Consumers demand content and experience that is tailor-made for them, according to marketers of larger marketplaces. According to research in the USA and UK, 63 percent of online consumers prefer not to buy from companies that use flawed or transparent personalization tricks.

In short, the application of personalization technologies Ecommerce is not a luxury or hobby, but a pure necessity. 1TP189Actual experience and interaction determine success and all your efforts and investments should be focused on that. And whichever personalization tools you ultimately choose, every personalization strategy stands or falls with the collection, storage and management of customer data, preferably centralized and optimally applicable, for example by using a Customer Data Platform.

Whatever the current and upcoming personalisation technology trends, your success will depend on customer data management'.

Only when you have the generation and management of customer data in order - and we really mean in order - can you outline your personalization strategy and implement it step by step with the purchase and deployment of the appropriate technology. The advantages, endorsed by the frontrunners in the Ecommerce practice, speak for themselves:

  • optimization of the customer experience;
  • Improving the conversion ratio;
  • fewer abandoned shopping carts;
  • Increase in total order and customer value;
  • Increasing the involvement and loyalty of your customers.

Knowing this, the industry that focuses on software development and largely 'steers' the trends in personalization technology is not sitting still. The market is flourishing and segmenting, the number of providers is increasing, and in addition to the big tech companies, specialized niche players are also making themselves heard. The industry breathes ambition and innovation.

The 3 most notable personalization technology trends

  1. Responding to the strong demand for 'all-in-one' personalisation solutions, Ecommerce takes the hassle out of business.
  2. Development of technology capable of identifying anonymous visitors in compliance with international and national privacy laws.
  3. Further development of personalization technologies where IoT (Internet of Things) devices are fully integrated.

These are currently the three main challenges facing the industry. Solutions that already address these to some degree are popular. You can take them into account in your search for personalisation technology that works for you. That search starts with making an inventory of customer data related features that are urgent for your business.

First make a checklist, then seriously compare personalisation solutions in the global offering'.

Do you want to work with dynamic content? Do social media play a key role in your customer journey? Do you have the right tools to translate data into customer segments and buyer personas? These and many more questions form the basis for you to seriously explore the worldwide offerings of renowned suppliers of personalisation technology in-depth.